Lewes Station 1857 - 1889

Booking Office

The Booking Office is described as a "Swiss Chalet" style building constructed from timber frame in-filled with brick at ground floor level. I believe from close examination of the photographs that the building was built symmetrically and that later the front right hand side was replaced with an all brick waiting room. Renderings of both are shown.

Refreshment Building

The Refreshment building is of timber construction with the planked cladding appearing to be laid diagonally in alternate directions to give a herring bone effect.

Leighside Access

The building of the railway to Lewes cut off Leighside house and estate from the town. To provide access a bridge was built to cross the line from Lansdown place with a gentle ramp down to the estate. An ornate building on the junction between ramp and bridge was also built, I believe serving as the estate offices. I believe the construction was at the time of the first station and there is evidence of a stairway down the external wall of the building to the platform from the the bridge at this time. The gap in the wall subsequently be bricked up.

Engine Shed

From the large scale map this building appears to incorporate an Engine Shed, a waiting room on the platform side and a smithy. This model is the most open to interpretation as I have found no photographs showing the detail of either side. The window and door opening positions are taken from the building footprint on the 1:500 scale map, however, the accuracy of this has to be questioned. The style and detailing of features not shown on photographs has been inferred by looking at sheds of the same period at other locations.