Lewes Station 1857 to 1889
The building of the railway to Lewes cut off Leighside house and estate from the town. To provide access a bridge was built to cross the line from Lansdown place with a gentle ramp down to the estate. An ornate building on the junction between ramp and bridge was also built although its exact purpose is not known to me. I believe the construction was at the time of the first station. There is evidence of a stairway down the external wall of the building to the platform from the end of the bridge parapet, which appears to be bricked up. I have not modelled the stairway as I believe it was removed sometime after the second station was built. The building does not appear to have provided internal access to the platform. The colour photographs were taken by myself circa 1980 after demolition had started, but still provide some useful detail. As with other structures modelled I have not been able to work from a complete set of data. In particular views of the rear of the building and its entrance from the bridge are limited. Views of the side and East end of the signal box are also limited. Any additional information would be very welcome. Note also that the rendering of the roofs is plain tiles whereas the prototype has alternating bands of plain and scalloped tiles.
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